Master of Bilingual Education Courses
Core Courses
EDU 6304. Interpreting Educational Research
This course teaches educators how to understand and critically evaluate educational research. Topics include research design, ethics, sampling, measurement, reliability and validity, statistics, and both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Sustained attention is given to the practical application of research findings in educational settings.
EDU 6384 Teach and Learn with Technology
The course prepares teachers to integrate a range of technology-based instructional tools into their teaching in a way that enhances learning. After exploring a variety of technologies, students will practice and apply the skills through various related projects.
EDU 6315. Diverse Learners
This course introduces students to different teaching approaches that help create equal educational opportunities for students from diverse racial, ethnic, social-class, and cultural groups. The course will provide strategies to make teaching more effective in increasingly diverse schools. Some sections of this course require Spanish proficiency.
EDU 6322. Educational and Behavioral Psychology
This course is an advanced survey of areas in psychology with direct application in schools and the educational process, including developmental psychology, learning and the brain, motivation and motivational change, and the theory and practice of testing. The emphasis is on application to real-world problems.
General Requirement Courses
EDU 6312 Applied Linguistics
This course provides an introduction to basic concepts in linguistics and their application in meeting practical educational goals. It includes an emphasis on first and second language learning.
EDU 6319. Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
In this course students will read, research, analyze, discuss, write, and become knowledgeable about the history of bilingual education in the United States, the theoretical frameworks that provide an anchor to bilingual education, and the current neurolinguistic and applied psycholinguistic research that is leading to a better understanding of the effects of bilingualism on the individual, and on the education of bilingual children. Spanish proficiency at the intermediate level or above is required.
EDU 6321. Bilingualism/Biliteracy
This course provides teachers with theoretical and empirical evidence on how to increase student level of biliteracy and bilingualism. èßäÊÓƵapp will learn how to (1) use formative assessments to screen and progress monitor their student literacy skills to provide more targeted instruction; (2) use evidence-based teaching practices to teach biliteracy; (3) support student transition from reading in their native language to reading in their second language; and (4) take into account other linguistic, socio-cultural, and socioeconomic factors that might affect student biliteracy and bilingualism.
EDU 6339. Bilingual Content Instruction
This course is designed for students who will be teaching in bilingual education classrooms or administering bilingual education programs. Class participants will review current research in reading in the content areas and will strengthen their knowledge in critical content vocabulary and mechanics of spelling and writing in Spanish. Much of class lecture and discussion will take place in Spanish and knowledge of Spanish is required.
ESL Focus
EDU 6317. Culture and Community in Education
This course examines relationships between schools, families, and communities from various research perspectives. It focuses on the roles of school and community in delivering culturally-appropriate instruction and services to students from diverse backgrounds. Some sections of this course require Spanish proficiency.
EDU 6320. Language Teaching Research, Theory, and Practice
This course introduces the methodology of second language instruction with an emphasis on current research and theory of language acquisition and teaching. ESL program designs are reviewed, and classroom applications and assessments are discussed in the context of specialized ESL classrooms.
EDU 6390. Classroom Instruction and Assessment for Language Learners
This course focuses on classroom applications of ESL teaching and learning. èßäÊÓƵapp will examine factors that influence English language and literacy development and will develop instructional approaches and pedagogical materials that meet the needs of English language learners.
Gifted and Talented Focus
EDU 6325. Educating the Gifted and Talented
This course includes surveys of the history of the field, basic terminology and definitions, major models and theories, and effective program prototypes for gifted students. èßäÊÓƵapp review characteristics of the gifted and talented and overview identification and assessment procedures for gifted students. Attention is given to analyzing the traits of effective teachers and counselors and to developing models for interaction with gifted students.
EDU 6347. Creativity: Theories, Models, and Applications
This course surveys the concept of creativity. Topics covered include instruments and techniques for identifying creativity, theories and models of creativity, techniques for creativity enhancement, futuristics and challenges unique to creative persons.
EDU 6388. Curriculum Development For Gifted And Talented Learners
This course builds the foundation for development of differentiated curricula for the gifted. èßäÊÓƵapp study effective teaching strategies, learn how to adapt curriculum for individual differences, study the organization of curriculum and instruction for the gifted (scope and sequence, issues related to integrated and interdisciplinary curriculum, and grouping issues). Emphasis is placed on the teaching of higher-level cognitive skills within the disciplines.
EDU 6397. Growth and Development of the Gifted
This course examines the differentiated affective characteristics and needs of the gifted, including a review of general counseling theories, effective communication skills with the gifted, and the assessment of affective needs. èßäÊÓƵapp will develop strategies for assisting the gifted and developing social and interpersonal skills. Issues surrounding the potential of the gifted to achieve and make significant contributions to society as a whole are reviewed.
Special Education Focus
EDU 6356. Foundations of Special Education
This course focuses on educational policies, laws, and practices associated with education for individuals with disabilities. Topics cover the range of perspectives underlying school-based delivery of educational services.
EDU 6357. Assessment for Special Education
This course focuses on current educational assessment practices associated with instruction for school-age individuals with disabilities. Participants will learn to prepare, interpret, and discuss formative and summative assessments.
EDU 63XX. Instructional Strategies for Intensive Intervention
This course will teach educators instructional and intervention techniques used to teach struggling readers. Teachers will learn how to use task analysis, data based instruction, direct instruction, and other techniques across content areas in a differentiated classroom to ensure every student masters the content.
EDU 6360: Behavioral Interventions in the Classroom
This course provides participants the principles of classroom management, both proactive and reactive, within the context of special education.