CAE Cybersecurity

  • èßäÊÓƵapp CAE Cybersecurity Information Site
    Southern Methodist University (èßäÊÓƵapp) is a National Center for Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NSA/CAE). For more information on the NSA/CAE program, see the website


    We have the following centers that perform research in cybersecurity:

  • CAE Point of Contacts
    Suku Nair is the POC (Point of Contact) for the èßäÊÓƵapp CAE:
    Ted Manikas is the alternate POC:

  • Approved èßäÊÓƵapp CAE Programs
    èßäÊÓƵapp offers the Master of Science degree program in Cybersecurity (MS Cybersecurity), which is an approved CAE Program of Study (PoS). The degree program is offered by the Computer Science (CS) Department: /Lyle/Academics/Departments/CS/Academics

  • Faculty
    The list of faculty members who are involved in cybersecurity research and education can be found at the following links:

  • Student Cybersecurity Activities at èßäÊÓƵapp
    • èßäÊÓƵapp has a Cyber Security Club for students. Please see the following link for additional information:
    • èßäÊÓƵapp students who are US citizens and meet certain qualifications may apply for the Department of Defense Cyber Scholarship Program (DoD CySP). More information may be found at this link:

  • Cybersecurity News
    Internal (èßäÊÓƵapp) cybersecurity news can be found at the following links:


    External cybersecurity news can be found at the following links:
    • Infosecurity Magazine:
    • Network World:
    • Security Weekly:

  • èßäÊÓƵapp Institutional Security Resources and Awareness
    Institutional security resources and awareness are provided by èßäÊÓƵapp OIT (Office of Information Technology). The link to their Information Security page is /OIT/Infosec

  • External Cybersecurity Activities for èßäÊÓƵapp
    Links to external cybersecurity activities for students include the following:
    • National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC):
    • RSA Security Conference - College Day:
    • US Cyber Challenge:

  • Industry Advisory Board
    The MS Cybersecurity program is reviewed by the CS Industry Advisor Board (IAB). Current members of this board are the following:

    Name Company
    Pearce, Don (Industry Liason) Pearce Advisory Services
    Bendor, Samuel Peter Everest Group
    Bonner, Brian Daseke Inc.
    Dickerson, Andrew Samsung Electronics America
    Harper, Scott Dialexa
    Huskinson, Toby Optimal Blue
    Kolthoff, Jarrett SpearTip
    Lopez, Diego Leonardo DRS Electro-Optical & Infrared Systems
    McBride, Matt ModoPayments