Dr. Elsa Tamez Visits Perkins: February 15-16, 2012

:: Wednesday, February 15Dr. Elsa Tamez
Sermon: El Flujo de la Gracia
Perkins Chapel, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

:: Thursday, February 16Dr. Elsa Tamez
Public Lecture
Keynote Address: Spirituality in James
Elizabeth Perkins Protho Hall room 106, 7:00 pm

Elsa Tamez is a Methodist and liberation theologian. Born in Mexico, Professor Tamez received her Doctoral Degree in Theology from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland; her Licentiate in Theology in 1979 from the Latin American Biblical Seminary; and a Licentiate in Literature and Linguistics at the National University of Costa Rica in 1986. She is a faculty member of the Latin American Biblical University in Costa Rica and a member of the team of researchers of the Ecumenical Department of Investigation (DEI) in Costa Rica. She is married with two children.

Among her most recognized publications in English are: The Bible of the Oppressed (1980); The Scandalous Message of James (1989); The Amnesty of Grace (1993); When the Horizons Close: Rereading Ecclesiastes (2000) and Jesús and Courageous Women (2001). Her latest publication in English is  (2007). She has received several awards for her contribution to Contextual Biblical Hermeneutics.