Other Academic Programs

In addition to its degree programs, Perkins offers various other programs of study, formal and informal. Some of these (for example, the Hispanic Studies Program) may be pursued in conjunction with a degree program, while others are independent. Some (for example, in music and Christian education) lead to certification of some kind, while others are simply opportunities for continuing education. All are described in the Special Programs and Services in Continuing Education and sections of the Perkins School of Theology catalog.

Audit Programs

People desiring to audit a course must secure permission from the registrar and the course instructor, and must pay an audit fee before completing registration.

Basic Graduate Theological Studies (BGTS)

The basic graduate theological studies required for those seeking ordination as deacons in the United Methodist Church include courses in the areas of Old Testament, New Testament, church history, theology, mission, worship, evangelism and United Methodist history, doctrine and polity. These courses are offered regularly on the Dallas èßäÊÓƵapp and in the Houston/Galveston Program.

The following courses satisfy these requirements:

OT 6301, 6302 Interpretation of the Old Testament I and II
NT 6301, 6302 New Testament
HX 6305, 6306 Church History
ST 6301 Theology
WO 6313 Worship
XS 6310, XS 8350 Mission
EV 7307 Evangelism
HX 7565 United Methodist History
CA 7013 United Methodist Polity
ST 7034 United Methodist Doctrine

Non-Degree Programs

Persons who wish to take courses for credit but who do not wish to enter a degree program may seek admission to Perkins as a non-degree seeking student. The student must submit a completed application.

Admission as a non-degree seeking student is for one year (two terms) only. A student desiring to continue beyond the one-year limit must formally ask the associate dean for academic affairs to continue beyond the two terms. Admission as a non-degree seeking student does not guarantee, nor does it preclude, later admission to any degree program offered by Perkins. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible for any form of financial assistance from the school.

Non-degree seeking students who declare an interest in a future degree program may be considered Exploratory students. Exploratory students are eligible for institutional aid for up to two courses to be taken within a single twelve-month period. 

èßäÊÓƵapp duly enrolled in other degree programs in Southern Methodist University may be permitted to register for Perkins courses upon the approval of their respective deans. They must have at least junior class status and a B average. That student should contact the registrar for specific information about the process.