Statement of Educational Effectiveness

Perkins School of Theology continually strives to evaluate and improve its academic programs in fulfillment of its mission to prepare women and men for faithful leadership in Christian ministry.  In order to pursue this complex task, Perkins utilizes existing sets of data and has established a process to identify and develop additional sources.

The information in this document is based on three sources:

  1. Data on matriculation, academic progress and graduation.
  2. Faculty assessment of key performance metrics based on the Student Learning Outcomes for each degree program.
  3. èßäÊÓƵapp' responses to the Graduating Student Questionnaire. 

Master of Divinity

  • According to consolidated academic assessments for the 2016-2017 through 2021-2022 academic years, at least 25% of M.Div. students demonstrated Excellent achievement while more than 90% demonstrated at least Adequate achievement on 49 facets of the core curriculum related to:
    • Interpreting Scripture
    • Comprehending History and Culture
    • Theological and Ethical Reflection
    • Leading Worship
    • Preaching Effectively
    • Performing in Ordained Leadership Roles
    • Spiritual Formation

  • For academic year 2021-2022, graduating M.Div. students rated "I have been satisfied with my academic experience here" with an average of 4.6 on a five point scale.  
  • For academic year 2021-2022, 95% of M.Div. graduates finished their degree in less than 6 years.
  • The Spring 2022 graduates reported 43 out of 50 employed or starting positions/further study.

Master of Arts in Ministry

  • According to consolidated academic assessments for the 2016-2017 through 2021-2022 academic years, at least 25% of M.A.M. students demonstrated excellent achievement and more than 90% demonstrated at least adequate achievement on 33 facets of the core curriculum related to:
    • Interpreting Scripture
    • Comprehending History and Culture
    • Theological and Ethical Reflection
    • Performing in Specialized Leadership Roles
    • Spiritual Formation

  • M.A.M. graduates also report a high degree of satisfaction with their academic program and their experience overall. For academic year 2021-2022, graduating students rated "I have been satisfied with my academic experience here" with an average of 5.0 on a five point scale.
  • For academic year 2021-2022, 83.3% finished in less than 4 years.
  • The Spring 2022 graduates reported 6 out of 6 employed or starting positions/further study.

Master of Sacred Music

  • M.S.M. students demonstrate their attainment of the learning outcomes for the degree through comprehensive examinations and through a supervised practicum, all of which must be successfully completed to graduate. 
  • For academic year 2021-2022, 83.3% of M.S.M. graduates finished their degree in less than 4 years.
  • The Spring 2022 graduates reported 2 out of 2 employed or starting positions/further study.

Master of Theological Studies

  • Candidates for M.T.S. must present a thesis or summative project demonstrating successful attainment of the degree outcomes in order to graduate.  According to consolidated academic assessments of M.T.S. theses for the 2015-2016 through 2021-2022 academic years, 25% of readers rated the theses they reviewed as Excellent Scholarship in Scope and General Quality and more than 90% were rated as at least Good Scholarship.
  • For academic year 2021-2022, graduating students rated "I have been satisfied with my academic experience here" with an average of 3.5 on a five point scale.
  • For academic year 2021-2022, 50% of M.T.S. graduates finished their degree in less than 4 years.
  • The Spring 2022 graduates reported 10 out of 12 employed or starting positions/further study.

Master of Theology

  • Candidates for Th.M. must present a thesis or portfolio demonstrating successful attainment of the degree outcomes in order to graduate. According to consolidated academic assessments from 2016-2017 through 2021-2022 academic years, 25% of readers rated the theses they reviewed as Excellent Scholarship and more than 90% were rated as at least Good Scholarship.
  • For academic year 2021-2022, 87.5% of Th.M. graduates finished their degree in less than 4 years.
  • The Spring 2022 graduates reported 5 out of 8 employed or starting positions/further study.

Doctor of Ministry

  • Candidates for D.Min. must complete a professional project and written thesis demonstrating successful attainment of the degree outcomes in order to graduate. 
  • For academic year 2021-2022, 91% of D.Min. graduates finished their degree in less than 6 years.
  • The Spring 2022 graduates reported 11 out of 12 employed or starting positions/further study.

Doctor of Pastoral Music

  • Candidates for D.P.M. must complete a professional project and written thesis demonstrating successful attainment of the degree outcomes in order to graduate.
  • For academic year 2021-2022, 100% of D.P.M. graduates finished their degree in less than 6 years.
  • The Spring 2022 graduates reported 2 out of 2 employed or starting positions/further study.