Hugo Magallanes
Leighton K. Farrell Endowed Dean, ad interim Director, CASA Director, United Methodist Regional Course of Study School for Local Pastors Associate Professor of Christianity and Cultures

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214-768-2534 |
Ph.D., Drew University, 2002; M.Phil., Drew University, 1999: M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, 1996; BA (Theology), Seminario Juan Wesley, 1990
Teaching Specialties
Christian social ethics, cultural studies, John Wesley’s social ethics, Hispanic theology/ethics and liberation theology
Research Interests
Finding God in contemporary cultural expressions, Wesley and the poor, the church’s moral responsibility, multicultural ministries and studies
Selected Publications
:: Harold Recinos and Hugo Magallanes, eds. Jesus in the Hispanic Community: Images of Christ from Theology to Popular Religion (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2009).
:: Introducción a la Teología y Vida de Juan Wesley Introduction to the Theology and Life of John Wesley (Nashville: Abingdon, 2005).
:: "Racism.” Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of Scripture. Kevin Vanhoozer and N.T. Wright, eds. (Grand Rapids: Baker Academy, 2005).
Professional Distinctions
Ordained elder, The United Methodist Church, South Georgia Annual Conference