Technology Enhanced Immersive Learning

èßäÊÓƵapp is classified as an R1 institution, a designation reserved for U.S. universities with the highest levels of research activity. èßäÊÓƵapp Simmons is ranked among the top 11 private graduate schools in the nation and in the top 3 public and private schools in Texas.

The application of technology to instruction, learning, assessment, and the design of research that has substantial social impact has increased significantly over the past decades. As technology-enhanced immersive learning (TEIL) has become more widespread and increasingly sophisticated, the values and practices in different learning environments are being increasingly debated, scrutinized, and challenged. How should educational systems adapt based on the evolving evidence? The shift to remote and online learning, accelerated by the pandemic, raises serious challenges and opportunities regarding the future of education and the role of technology-enhanced instruction and learning (TEIL) across the lifecycle. As online content and digital tools become both more widespread and increasingly sophisticated, the values and practices of a "traditional" classroom experience are being increasingly debated, scrutinized, and challenged. How should educational systems adapt based on evolving evidence?

Augmented Reality Chemistry mobile application screenshot

For Example

  • What types of technology-enhanced instruction and learning structures are most effective and for whom?
  • How can TEIL save instructors and learners time and help them be more effective and efficient?
  • Can context-appropriate and cost-effective technologies help mitigate social inequalities?