The Master of Science in Counseling degree requires the completion of 63 credit hours, written and oral comprehensive exams, and an internship. Classes are delivered over 15-week terms.
Clinical Mental Health Specialty
Marriage, Couple and Family Specialty
School Counseling Specialty
The common curriculum for all three Specialties include:
HDCN 6302: Basic Clinical Methods for Individuals, Couples, and Families
(required to take as 1st course in the program of study)
HDCN 6320: Life Span Human Development: Individual and Family
(required to take in 1st or 2nd term of enrollment (if only taking one class in your first semester)
HDCN 6301: Counseling Theories: Individual and Systemic Perspectives
(recommended to take as 3rd course in the program of study)
HDCN 6316: Family Therapy I: Intergenerational Theories and Treatment
HDCN 6304: Counseling Diverse Communities
HDCN 6318: Ethics I and Professional Orientation
(prerequisite for Ethics and Mental Health II)
HDCN 6330: Psychopathology: Adult
HDCN 6331: Psychopathology: Child/Adolescent
(may take concurrently with Practicum)
HDCN 6349: Research Design and Statistics
(prerequisite for 6340 Assessment; recommended to take 6349 in their first year of enrollment)
HDCN 6319: Ethics II and Mental Health
(take as close to Practicum as possible)
HDCN 6305: Advanced Clinical Methods for Individuals, Couples and Families
(pre-practicum; take as close to Practicum as possible)
HDCN 6321: Lifestyle & Career Development
(may take concurrently with Practicum)
HDCN 6352: Psychology of Addictions
(may take concurrently with Practicum)
* èßäÊÓƵapp must complete all core classes (except as noted above) for a total of 45 credit hours before starting Practicum. èßäÊÓƵapp are advised to take one or more electives that will qualify them to work with populations of interest during Practicum (e.g., children, couples, families)