Minjun Kim
Department of Mechanical Engineering

MinJun Kim currently holds the Robert C. Womack Endowed Chair Professorship in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at èßäÊÓƵapp. Kim completed his Ph.D. in engineering at Brown University, where he was honored with the prestigious Simon Ostrach Fellowship. Following his graduate studies, Kim served as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Rowland Institute in Harvard University. His research group, the Biological Actuation, Sensing and Transport Laboratory, operates at the intersection of three core areas: small-scale robotics, transport phenomena and single molecule biophysics.

Kim’s work focuses on investigating biological transport phenomena, including cellular and molecular mechanics, and engineering in novel nano/microscale architectures to advance emerging fields like nanopore technology and nano/microrobotics. Kim has received numerous awards for his outstanding contributions, including the National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2008), Human Frontier Science Program Young Investigator Award (2009), Army Research Office Young Investigator Award (2010), Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (2011), Bionic Engineering Outstanding Contribution Award (2013), ISBE Fellow (2014), ASME Fellow (2014), Netexplo Award (2016), KSEA and KOFST Engineer of the Year Award (2016), IEEE Senior Member (2017), Gerald J. Ford Research Fellowship (2018) and National Research Foundation of Korea Brain Pool Fellowship (2023).