èßäÊÓƵapp's Survey Procedure
Surveys are a popular and necessary method of gathering information from large groups. Though there are other methods of data collection such as observations, interviews, and focus groups, a wide range of offices and individuals have reason to launch university-wide surveys to inform or improve practices. Consequently, many within our university community, including students, faculty, staff and other constituents experience what is commonly known as “survey fatigue”. This phenomenon, along with overlapping survey dates, can cause a variety of problems for those of us who seek to gather information.
In order to achieve the best response rate for your surveys, to minimize redundancy and coordinate survey deployment, and to avoid survey fatigue, the Office of the Provost has directed that students, staff, and faculty desiring to survey any part of the university community (i.e. alumni, donors, prospective or current students, and employees) follow the procedures outlined here.
In order to achieve the best response rate for your surveys, to minimize redundancy and coordinate survey deployment, and to avoid survey fatigue, the Office of the Provost has directed that students, staff, and faculty desiring to survey any part of the university community (i.e. alumni, donors, prospective or current students, and employees) follow the procedures outlined here.
Steps to Complete Before Surveying
Step 1. Download and complete the .- If your answers reveal that your proposed project meets the criteria for human subjects research, submit a New IRB Protocol application via the Axiom Mentor system for review and approval prior to recruiting or interacting with potential participants.
- If your answers indicate that your proposed project is NOT human subjects research, or if you are unsure of your self-determination, email the completed form and any related survey documents to researchcompliance@smu.edu. Research Integrity & Compliance will assess the proposed activity and issue a formal letter to the requester.
Please allow at least five (5) business days for processing. Once it is determined that IRB oversight is not required, there is no need to re-evaluate each time you conduct the survey.
Please note: Initial human subjects research determinations can take up to five (5) business days. If IRB oversight is needed, further review may take up to 60 days. Should IRB oversight be required, you must submit a New IRB Application via the Axiom Mentor system for review and approval before recruiting or engaging with participants. For additional guidance, please visit the page or contact researchcompliance@smu.edu.
- Significant survey overlap and Reading Days must be avoided.
- A copy of IRB approval or affirmation from Research Compliance that IRB oversight is not needed.
- An email from IPE indicating your survey has been added to the Survey Calendar.
- These procedures exclude those brief evaluative surveys sent to individuals after they have attended or participated in a èßäÊÓƵapp event, course, or activity.
- Deadlines to for priority calendaring is August 31 for the Fall semester, and January 31 for Spring and Summer semesters.