Graduate Poster Sessions

èßäÊÓƵapp graduate students and postdocs will present results of ongoing and completed èßäÊÓƵapp-based research. The goal of this event is to foster communication between graduate students and postdocs in different disciplines, give them the opportunity to present their work in a professional setting, and share the outstanding research being conducted at èßäÊÓƵapp with their peers and industry professionals from the greater Dallas community. 

The poster sessions will take place on Wednesday, April 2, in Frances Anne Moody Hall. Refreshments will be available. 

Session 1, for graduate students in Dedman College programs will take place from 9am - 12pm.

Session 2, for graduate students in all other programs and postdoctoral scholars, will take place from 2-5pm.

Register by Friday, March 14 to participate:


A cash prize of $250 will be awarded to the best poster from each department or judging group. 

Poster Requirements and Dimensions


Poster Requirements

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Congratulations to the 2024 Award Winners:

  • Anthropology: McKenzie Alford, "Old Data, New Format: Digitizing to Increase the Accessibility of Mortuary Information at S’edav Va’aki, Phoenix, Arizona", Co-author(s): Douglas R. Mitchell
  • Anthropology: Sara Becker, "PRIDE and Resistance in the Rio Grande Valley", Co-author(s):
  • Biological Sciences: Jesiska Lowe, "Assessing novel compounds for reversing multidrug resistance in cancers", Co-author(s): Ria Parpelli; Gabrielle Gard; Pia Vogel
  • Biological Sciences: Nicole Pinzon Hoyos, "Correlation between serum inflammatory cytokines and complement signaling with cognitive abilities in human drug-resistant epilepsy", Co-author(s): Yibo Li
  • Chemistry: Kevin Fleming, "Astrochemical Modeling of Acetonitrile Chemistry in the Interstellar Medium: A Computational Study"
  • Chemistry: James Thorpe, "Local Interactions in Chemistry"
  • Chemistry: Imogen Hoffman, "Visible Light 3D Micropatterning of Thiol-Ene Polymers via Digital Light Processing Microscopy", Co-author(s): Joshua Plank
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering: Navodi Jayarathne, "Unraveling Natural Gas Migration Rate and Extent from Leaking Underground Pipelines under Varying Environmental Conditions", Co-author(s): Kathleen M Smits; Daniel J Zimmerle; Stuart N Riddick; Richard S Kolodziej
  • Computer Science: Eli Laird, "XInsight: Revealing Model Insights for GNNs with Flow-Based Explanations", Co-author(s): Ayesh Madushanka;Elfi Kraka;Corey Clark
  • Computer Science: Charles Sayre, "Radiation Anomaly Detection in Highly Variable Background Environments"
  • Earth Sciences: Prajwal Neupane, "Focal Mechanisms of earthquakes from 2012 to 2021 in New Madrid Seismic Zone", Co-author(s): Heather DeShon: Jacob Walter, Raymond Ng
  • Economics: William Cunningham, "Conditional IV Estimation of Neighborhood Demand"
  • Education Policy and Leadership: Charity Lewallen, "A balancing act: A quantitative examination of presidents and trustees using latent profile analysis", Co-author(s): Dr. Michael Harris; Dr. Sondra Barringer; Jennifer Lawler
  • Mathematics: Jaryd Domine, "Waves in black hole geometries: An energy-based discontinuous Galerkin method", Co-author(s): Thomas M. Hagstrom; Stephen R. Lau
  • Mathematics: Qing He, "DeepMartNet: A Martingale based Deep Neural Network Learning Algorithm for PDE Problems", Co-author(s): Daniel Margolis
  • Mechanical Engineering: Jaime Silva, "Photonic Doppler Velocimeter based on Self-Referencing Resonator"
  • Mechanical Engineering: Kamruzzaman Joty, "DNA Origami Incorporated into Solid-State Nanopores Enables Enhanced Sensitivity for Precise Analysis of Protein Translocations", Co-author(s): Madhav L. Ghimire; Jason S. Kahn; Sangyeop Lee; George Alexandrakis
  • Operations Research and Engineering Management: Mohammad Khalafi, "First-order Methods for constrained variational inequality problems"
  • Operations Research and Engineering Management: Ozgur Unsal, "Health Care Facility Location Planning With Multi-type Facilities And Staff Sharing", Co-author(s): Halit Uster
  • Physics: Rajeev Vaisakh, "Probing the expansion of the Universe using Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument", Co-author(s): James Lasker, Robert Kehoe
  • Psychology: Elizabeth Bell, "Associations between Cognitive Vulnerabilities and Internalizing Fear and Distress", Co-author(s): Michael Chmielewski
  • Psychology: Sam Molli, "The role of partner support in the link between negative emotionality and sleep: Findings from the Midlife in the United States study."
  • Statistics and Data Science: Yifei Wang, "Calibration of composite likelihood in Bayesian multivariate network meta-analysis", Co-author(s): Yu-lun Liu, PhD
  • Teaching and Learning: Charlotte Gregor, "Student Outcomes following Intensive Literacy Instruction for èßäÊÓƵapp with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Qualitative Case Study", Co-author(s): Stephanie Hermecz
  • Teaching and Learning: Mai Zaru, "Translanguaging Across Generations: Empowering Immigrant Families through Arabic Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies"

Congratulations to the 2023 Award Winners:

  • Anthropology: Jocelyn Bell, “Rights, Repatriation and Return: The Sámi”
  • Applied Physiology: Claire Trotter, “Pressor and Sympathetic Responses to Graded Skeletal Muscle Metaboreflex Activation in Females with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis”, Co-author(s): Benjamin E. Young; Caitlin P. Jarrard; Scott A. Smith; Paul J. Fadel; Mu Huang; Scott L. Davis
  • Biological Sciences: Kelsey Paulhus, “Cardiorespiratory Effects of Brainstem-Specific Kv1.1 Deficiency: Implications for SUDEP”
  • Chemistry: Hunter La Force, “Characterizing Guanine Binding Modes of Potential Ruthenium-based PDT Agents: A Local Vibrational Mode Study”, Co-author(s): Elfi Kraka
  • Chemistry: Juliana Antonio, “Predicting Vibrational Energy Transfers in Myoglobin with QM/MM and Local Mode Analysis”, Co-author(s): Elfi Kraka
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering: Ahmed Khamiss, “Discrete-Element Method Simulations of the Seismic Response of Tunnels in Deep Granular Deposit”
  • Combined Group: Leroy Ahwinahwi, Applied Science, “Energy Equity”
  • Computer Science: Steph Buongiorno, “The Gamification of AI Training: Leveraging Unknown, Natural Language Data and Procedural Generation to Drive Videogame Play
  • Computer Science (Runner-up recognized by department award): Eli Laird, “Measuring and Removing Bias from Face Recognition Algorithms”
  • Computer Science (Runner-up recognized by department award): Clayton Harper, “DCT-DiffStride: Differentiable Strides with Real-valued Data”, Co-author(s): Mitchell Thornton; Eric Larson
  • Earth Sciences: Wanji Zheng, “Three-dimensional Kinematic Inversion of Landslide Movements, Geometry, and Hydraulic Properties: A Case Study in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China”, Co-author(s): Zhong Lu
  • Economics: Travis Whitacre, “Stigma in Mental Healthcare”, Co-author(s): Shuo Qi
  • Education PhD Program: Bethany Edwards, “Defining the 'Community' in Community College: A National Overview and Implications for Racial Imbalance in Texas”, Co-author(s): Dominique J. Baker; Spencer F. X. Lambert; Grace Randall
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering: Aviraj Sinha, “Automated Quantum Memory Compilation with Improved Dynamic Range”, Co-author(s): Elena R. Henderson; Jessie M. Henderson; Mitchell A. Thornton
  • Mathematics: Jacob Davis, “Heat Transfer, Vapor Diffusion, and Stefan Flow around Levitating Droplets near a Heated Liquid Surface”, Co-author(s): Vladimir S. Ajaev; Oleg A. Kabov; Dimitry V. Zaitsev
  • Mechanical Engineering: Gokhan Kararsiz, “Rolling Motion of a Soft Microsnowman under Rotating Magnetic Field”, Co-author(s): Yasin Cagatay Duygu; Louis William Rogowski; Anuruddha Bhattacharjee
  • Operations Research and Engineering Management: Niloofar Fadavi, “An Active-set Method for Two-stage Stochastic Quadratic Programming”
  • Physics: Ryne Dingler, “Variability Properties of Southern TESS Blazars”, Co-author(s): Krista Lynne Smith
  • Postdoctoral Scholars: Alexis Delgado, “Local Mode Theory Applications in Micro- and Macro-Molecular Research Executed Under Diverse Circumstances: Dissertation Work”
  • Postdoctoral Scholars: Asiye Aziz Zanjani, “Bridging Data Gap and Location Errors To Improve Spatiotemporal Evaluation of Induced Seismicity in the Delaware Basin, West Texas”, Co-author(s): Heather DeShon; Liliana Binetti
  • Psychology: Sierra Rufino, “Volitional Change in Pathological Personality: Can People Change Their Maladaptive Traits?”, Co-author(s): Nathan Hudson
  • Statistical Science: Ming Zhang, “Bayesian Goodness-of-fit Test for Meta-Analysis of Rare Binary Events”, Co-author(s): Johan Lim; Xing Chao
  • Undergraduate Group: Patrick Isaac, “Testing Potential Inhibitors on Multi-drug Resistance Pump Proteins in E. Coli”, Co-author(s):  Lauren Limp, Kiri Holck, Luciano Cocivera, Bela Pathak, Zuhair Almahayni
  • Research Computing Award (sponsored by the Center for Research Computing): Jaryd Domine, “Waves in Black Hole Geometries: An Energy-Based Discontinuous Galerkin Method”, Co-author(s): Thomas Hagstrom; Stephen Lau

Congratulations to the 2022 Award Winners:

  • Applied Physiology: Claire Trotter, “Spontaneous Cardiovagal Baroreflex Sensitivity in Females with Multiple Sclerosis”
  • Education (two awards): Murphy K Mogensen, Education, “Writing Interventions for èßäÊÓƵapp with Learning Disabilities: A Preliminary Scoping Review” 
  • Education (two awards):  Mai Zaru, “From Resilient Books to Resilient Kids: A Content Analysis” 
  • Higher Education: Emily Rasch, “Sisterhood or Cis-terhood:  Trans-Inclusive Admissions Policies at Historically Women's Colleges”
  • Biology: Kelsey Paulhus, “Understanding How Specific Cardiac and Brain Autonomic Regions Contribute to Cardiorespiratory Dysfunction in the Context of Sudden Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)” 
  • Chemistry: Joshua Plank, “Functional Surface Patterning via Photolysis of Aryl diazoacetates” 
  • Theoretical and Computational Chemistry: Hao Tian, “Exploring Protein Conformational Space with Variational Autoencoder”
  • Earth Sciences: Weiyu Zheng, “Bayesian Monte Carlo Inversion of InSAR Time Series Deformation Induced by Wastewater Injection: a Case Study in West Texas” 
  • Economics: Shuo Qi, “Estimating Treatment Effects with Spillovers in Unobserved Networks” 
  • Mathematics (tie): Sabrina Hetzel, “Pure Quartic Solitons in Novel Laser Designs” 
  • Mathematics (tie): Steven Walton, “3-Wave Kinetic Equations: Numerical Approximation of Non-Stationary Solutions” 
  • Physics: Santosh Parajuli, “Search for Higgs Boson Pair Production in the Multi-lepton Final State Using Proton-Proton Collision Data at $\sqrt{s} =13$ TeV from the ATLAS Detector” 
  • Psychology (tie): Melissa Sitton, “Adolescents Who Have Experienced Sexual Abuse: Non-Supportive Responses, Self-Blame, and Trauma Symptoms” 
  • Psychology (tie): Sumaiyah Syed, “Depression, Inflammation, and the Moderating Role of Metformin: Results from the MIDUS Study” 
  • Biostatistics: MaryLena Bleile, “Optimizing the Combination of Radiotherapy with Immunotherapy using Reinforcement Learning” 
  • Statistical Science: Louis Vazquez, “Extension of Deletion-based Influence Diagnostics to Generalized Estimating Equations for Nominal Multinomial Response Data” 
  • Civil & Environmental Engineering (two awards): Kostas Kalfas, “Can We Protect Our Structures Sustainably Against Natural Hazards?” 
  • Civil & Environmental Engineering (two awards): Hussam Khresat, “Vehicle-Bridge Strike Classification Using Real-World & Synthetic Data” 
  • Computer Science (two awards): Clayton Harper, “SNR-Boosted Automatic Modulation Classification” 
  • Computer Science (two awards): Ethan Potthoff, “Simulation Data Mining to Explore Soil Liquefaction” 
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering: David Wang, “A Control-theoretical Brain-Computer Interface for Modulating Hippocampal Oscillations via Deep Brain Stimulation of the Posterior Cingulate Cortex” 
  • Mechanical Engineering: Jaime da Silva, “Sensors Based on Evanescent Field Perturbation of Microresonators” 
  • Operations Research and Engineering Management: Yulan Bai, “A Composite Index Method for Optimization Benchmarking” 
  • Combined Group: Samantha Lagos, “Where My Ladies At? The Fight to Erase the Gender Gap in Research Publications”
  • Undergraduate Group: Abigail Hays, “Surface Air Entrapment in Small-Scale Fin Propulsion