B.A. in Corporate Communication and Public Affairs

  • Major Entry Requirements: 3.0 GPA across STAT 2331; CCPA 2310; and CCPA 2327
  • Minor Entry Requirements: 3.0 GPA across STAT 2331; CCPA 2310; and CCPA 2327

See List of Corporate Communication and Public Affairs Courses & their Descriptions

Requirements for the Degree Credit Hours

Core Requirements
Taken before entry into the major:

  • CCPA 2310 Rhetoric, Community, and Public Deliberation
  • CCPA 2327 Communication Theory

All remaining courses taken after entry into the major, beginning with the following two courses:

  • CCPA 2308 Introduction to Newswriting for Public Relations or DISC 1313 Introduction to Newswriting or CCPA 3360 Business and Professional Communication
  • CCPA 2375 Communication Research and Data Analytics

èßäÊÓƵapp may double major in Public Relations and Strategic Communication; certain restrictions apply.
Additional hours for other University requirements vary. See an advisor for details.

Course Requirements
  • CCPA 2300 Public Speaking in Context
  • One 3-hour practicum from the following:
    • CCPA 4325 Internship (Organizations in Local Context)
    • CCPA 4375 Honors Thesis
    • CCPA 4392 Mustang Consulting I: Introduction to Communication Consulting
    • CCPA 4393 Mustang Consulting II: Advanced Communication Consulting
    • CCPA 4394 Mustang Consulting III: Leadership Practicum
    • CCPA 4396 Mustang Consulting: Internship
    • CCPA 4398 CCPA Fellow: Internship
    • CCPA 5315 Directed Study in Engaged Learning
    • CCPA 5320 Directed Study in Big Ideas
    • CCPA 5325 Directed Study in Caswell Fellowship
  • A second/different 3-hour practicum from the list above or a CCPA elective at the 3000 level or above
Intercultural/International Communication
  • COMM 3321: Communication in Global Contexts
  • COMM 3341: Ethnicity, Culture, & Gender: Intro to Critical Studies in Comm (also CFB)
  • COMM 4385: Communication, Technology and Globalization
  • CCPA 4390: Globalization, Economics, and Communication

Ethics Course Requirement
Recommended for majors; see advisor for other options.

  • CCPA 2328 Communication Ethics

Track-specific Requirements
Majors must complete all requirements in one of three track options:

Organizational Communication:

  • CCPA 3365 Principles of Organizational Communication
  • CCPA 3368 Group and Team Communication and Leadership or CCPA 4386 Financial Communication
  • CCPA 3390 Employee Communication
  • 3-hr elective at 3000 level or above, to be chosen from:
    • CCPA 3360 Business and Professional Communication
    • CCPA 3370 Principles of Social Innovation: Creating World Changers
    • CCPA 4345 Seminar in Organizational Communication
    • CCPA 4378 Social Entrepreneurship and Stewardship in the Faith-Based Organization
    • CCPA 4390 Globalization, Economics, and Communication
    • CCPA 5304 Topics in Organizational Communication

Political Communication:

  • CCPA 3300 Free Speech and First Amendment
  • CCPA 3347 Principles of Political Communication
  • CCPA 3393 Politics and the Public Sphere
  • 3-hr elective at 3000 level or above, to be chosen from:
    • CCPA 3395 Public Opinion, the Press, and Public Policy
    • CCPA 4300 Seminar in Political Communication
    • CCPA 43XX Washington Term Studies/Internship
    • CCPA 4310 History and Philosophy of the First Amendment
    • CCPA 4390 Globalization, Economics, and Communication
    • CCPA 5305 Topics in Political Communication

Social Innovation and Nonprofit Engagement:

  • CCPA 3370 Principles of Social Innovation: Creating World Changers
  • CCPA 3380 Social Innovation II: From Idea to Organization or SOCI 3321 Non-Profit: A Conceptual Primer
  • CCPA 3387 Social Innovation III: Funding, Donors, and Financing for the Social Good
    SOCI 4351 Grantwriting and Fundraising
    AMAE 3305 Arts Budgeting and Financial Management
  • 3-hr elective at 3000 level or above, to be chosen from:
    • CCPA 3360 Business and Professional Communication
    • CCPA 4312 Seminar in Social Innovation and Nonprofit Engagement
    • CCPA 4376 Social Entrepreneurship: Creating a Movement and Innovating Through the Social Good
    • CCPA 4378 Social Entrepreneurship and Stewardship in the Faith-Based Organization
    • CCPA 4380 Social Entrepreneurship, Capitalism, and the Wesleyan Tradition
    • CCPA 4390 Globalization, Economics, and Communication
    • CCPA 5303 Topics in Social Innovation and Nonprofit Engagement
    • SOCI 4399 Special Topics in Sociology (with a nonprofit focus)