Cheryl Mendenhall
Phone |
214-768-1274 |
Cheryl Mendenhall is an art director and graphic designer with over 25 years of professional experience and a passion for creative problem solving and communicating ideas.
After receiving her M.F.A. from University of Tennessee, Mendenhall worked as an art director at a large media company before starting her own design studio. She has worked with a variety of clients including Philips, GranitiFiandre, DENSO Manufacturing, Knoxville Museum of Art, Tennessee Valley Authority, Thomas Nelson Publishing and United Way. She continues to work with clients in the Dallas area.
During her time in Tennessee, she also taught a variety of design courses at University of Tennessee and Pellissippi State Community College, both in Knoxville.
B.F.A Communication Design, University of North Texas
M.F.A Computer Enhanced Graphic Design, University of Tennessee
Recent Work
Innovative Teaching and Learning Award, Temerlin Advertising Institute, èßäÊÓƵapp
Service Exemplar Award, Temerlin Advertising Institute, èßäÊÓƵapp
Professors of Excellence (PIE) Award, Temerlin Advertising Institute, èßäÊÓƵappService Exemplar, Temerlin Advertising Institute, èßäÊÓƵapp
Professors of Excellence (PIE), Temerlin Advertising Institute, èßäÊÓƵapp
HOPE (Honoring Our Professors’ Excellence) Award, èßäÊÓƵapp
Dallas IABC Quill Award of Excellence, Interactive Media Design
Gold ADDY Award, Mixed Media Campaign, Business to Business
Silver ADDY Award, Sales Product Promotion
Communicator Award of Excellence, Consumer Magazine
Communicator Award of Distinction, Magazine Interior
Gold ADDY Award, Stationery Package
Silver Award of Excellence, Publication Design
Silver ADDY Award, Ad Club Promotions
Gold ADDY Award, Student Design
Rechenbach Award (Best of Show – Graphic Design), University of Tennessee
First Place in a first grade conservation poster contest (her love of design started early)
Course list
Creative Production | |
Intro to Graphic Design | |
Typography |