Study Groups & Places
First-Gen Study Groups
Each fall and spring semester, the First-Generation Initiative will update the study groups below. If you are a first-gen student enrolled in one of the courses below and would like to connect with other first-gen students to either give or receive academic support, please join! This is just a starting place for getting connected. Check out the Tutoring Schedule for these courses and drop by the A-LEC as a study group for additional help. You could also reserve a study space for your group to meet. Reach out to if you have any questions, concerns, or recommendations (for other classes).

First-gen Welcoming Places
Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center (A-LEC)
The Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center (A-LEC) is located on the 2nd floor of the Loyd All Sports Center. The A-LEC is a space for studying, tutoring, group work, and informal meetings.
Academic Center for Excellence
The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) in is a unique space open to first-generation college students and Rotunda scholars.