Guidelines for Academic Administrators Returning to Teaching and Research

Policy number: 2.15

Policy section: Academic Affairs

Revised Date: December 16, 2019

1.  Policy Statement

It is the policy of the University that faculty who return to full-time teaching and research after serving as academic administrators will receive salaries adjusted to an appropriate level within their departments or schools at their faculty rank.

2.  Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to outline the salary adjustment process.

3.  Salary Adjustment

Academic administrators with faculty status with three or more years of service who hold the rank of Assistant Dean, Associate Dean, Dean, Assistant Provost, Associate Provost, Provost or Vice President will have the following salary adjustment, upon leaving the administrative post to return to full-time teaching and research:

  1. In the first year following the relinquishing of the administrative position, the full administrative salary (minus perquisites) will continue as a 12-month stipend.
  2. In the second year, the salary will be adjusted to an appropriate level within the department or school at their faculty rank. This salary may be the average of the top two salaries in the department, but in no case less than the base salary the faculty member would have received had he/she not become an academic administrator plus the school faculty median, annual percentage merit increases during the years of service as an academic administrator.
  3. The second-year salary so established will form the base to which any merit increase will be added for the second year.
  4. There will be no pay for unused vacation time accrued by an academic administrator upon relinquishment of the administrative position. All accrued vacation time will be forfeited as of the effective date of the relinquishment of the administrative position.

4.  Applicability

This policy is not applicable where the professorial salary at the time of the assumption of administrative responsibilities was modified by a clear formula which allows the reestablishment of the appropriate professorial salary at the time of the return to full-time faculty status.

It is also not applicable when the method of determining the return salary is negotiated as part of the acceptance of the academic administrator position and is clearly stated in the contract.

5.  Questions

Questions regarding this policy are to be directed to the Office of the Provost.

Revised: December 16, 2019

Adopted: June 1, 1994

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