University Art Collections

Policy number: 1.20

Policy section: Institutional Affairs

Revised Date: December 10, 2019

1.  Definitions.

Definitions of capitalized terms are set forth in Appendix A.

2.  Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to set forth certain requirements governing management of the Collections.

3.  Policy Statement

It is the policy of the University that the Collections will be managed as set forth in this policy and the relevant Collection Guidelines.

4.  Record Keeping

Responsibility for record-keeping for a Collection resides with the respective department or division responsible for such Collection.

5.  Distribution and Rotation of Art

Distribution and the rotation of art available for display throughout the University will be determined by the staff responsible for management of the particular art in question.

6.  Insurance Coverage

On an annual basis, the respective staff responsible for the management of a Collection will provide the University’s Office of Risk Management with an inventory of objects to be covered by the University’s fine arts insurance for the upcoming policy period. The University’s Office of Risk Management, in consultation with relevant staff, will determine appropriate coverage.

The staff responsible for the management of each of the Collections with maintain current inventories of all art objects in their custody.

7.  Display and Sales of Student Art

The staff of the Meadows Museum will make student art available to èßäÊÓƵapp offices or buildings. Costs for framing student art will be borne by the school, department or division requesting the art. Sales of student art will be approved in advance by the student artist and by the Chair of the Division of Art of the Meadows School of the Arts, and proceeds resulting from such sales will be given to the student.

8.  Purchases and Sales

All purchases and sales of art objects, not including student art, must be handled in a manner consistent with the Bylaws of the University, any applicable Board Resolutions, and applicable Collection Guidelines. Responsibility for purchases and sales is assigned to the Director of the relevant Collection, subject to any further required approvals by members of the University administration.

Before an art object in a Collection may be sold, the sale must be approved by the University’s Vice President for Business and Finance and the Vice President for Development and External Affairs.  Following their approval, the proposed sale will be reviewed by the Committee. After the Committee is satisfied that the evaluation of the art object and the terms of the sale are accurate and appropriate, the Committee will then recommend the sale to the President for final approval.

9.  Donor and Artist Notification

When feasible, the Director of the relevant Collection will notify the donor of an art object any deaccessioning of the art object. In the case of deaccessioning of art objects by living artists, consideration will be given to notifying the artist as well.

10.  Departmental Art

The purchase of art objects by individual University departments with budgeted funds or with restricted gifts by donors will be approved by the relevant Director and members of the University administration, as applicable, in accordance with relevant Collection Guidelines. If insurance coverage is required, the Director of the relevant Collection will report the requirement to the University’s Office of Risk Management.

11.  Considerations When Accepting Art Donations

The Director and staff managing the relevant Collection will consider the advisability of accepting art objects proposed to be donated by donors, and a recommended action will be submitted to the University’s Vice President for Development and External Affairs for approval. If a donor contemplates imposing conditions on a gift, the donor will be asked to clearly state the proposed conditions, which will be reviewed by the Office of Legal Affairs for acceptability.

12. Questions

Questions about this Policy may be directed to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Appendix A: Definitions

“Collection” means an individual University art collection, including University-owned paintings, sculpture or other art objects owned by or in the care of the Meadows Museum, the Meadows School of the Arts or any other school, division or department of the University.

“Collection Guidelines” means the applicable guidelines promulgated by the President’s Executive Council for the management of a Collection.

“Committee” means the Committee for the University's Art Collections.

Revised: December 10, 2019

Adopted: June 1, 1994

The official University Policy Manual is housed in the Office of the University Secretary. The University Secretary is responsible for maintaining new and updated policies and for maintaining this website. Should the official University Policy Manual conflict with any internal policies, procedures, departmental administrative rules, or guidelines, that may be contained in manuals provided by schools, departments, or divisions within the University, the official University Policy Manual controls.