Student Learning Outcomes

B.S. in Management Science (BSMS)

  • Use Techniques: Student demonstrates an ability to use the modern techniques necessary for practice in the Management Science discipline. Technique is defined as a body of computational methods (as in a craft or in scientific research).
  • Formulate Problems: Student demonstrates an ability to formulate problems as necessary for the practice of Management Science.
  • Solve Problems: Student demonstrates an ability to solve problems as necessary for the practice of Management Science.
  • Communicate Effectively: Student demonstrates an ability to communicate effectively about the practice of Management Science. Communications skills can include, but are not limited to, forms of oral and written expression.

M.S. in Operations Research (MSOR)

  • Use Techniques: Student demonstrates an ability to use the modern techniques necessary for the practice in the discipline of Operations Research. Technique is defined as a body of computational methods (as in a craft or in scientific research).
  • Formulate Problems: Student demonstrates an ability to formulate problems as necessary for the practice of Operations Research.
  • Solve Problems: Student demonstrates an ability to solve problems as necessary for the practice of Operations Research.
  • Interpret Solutions: Student demonstrates an ability to interpret solutions to models of problems as necessary for the practice of Operations Research. Interpretation can include, but is not limited to, scenario analysis and output generated by software tools.

M.S. in Systems Engineering (MSSE)

  • Perform Analysis: Student demonstrates an ability to perform analysis in design and development of systems. Analysis can include, but is not limited to, requirements analysis of alternatives, trade studies, design analysis, and systems effectiveness analysis.
  • Implement SE Activities: Student demonstrates an ability to implement systems engineering activities during systems design and development.
  • Develop Risk Plans: Student demonstrates an ability to develop risk engineering program plans. Risk engineering program plans can include, but are not limited to, conducting risk analysis and trade studies, and applying risk identification, analysis, and management techniques.
  • Establish T&E Requirements: Student demonstrates an ability to establish systems integration, test, and evaluation (T&E) requirements. Requirements can include, but are not limited to, developing T&E plans, performing analysis, and planning and conducting systems requirements verification.

M.S. in Engineering Management (MSEM)

  • Use Techniques: Student demonstrates an ability to use the modern techniques necessary for practice in the discipline of Engineering Management. Technique is defined as a body of computational methods (as in a craft or in scientific research).
  • Formulate Problems: Student demonstrates an ability to formulate problems as necessary for the practice of Engineering Management.
  • Solve Problems: Student demonstrates an ability to solve problems as necessary for the practice of Engineering Management.
  • Explain Concepts: Student can explain major concepts in broader functional areas of high-tech enterprise. 

M.S. in Information Engineering and Management (MSIEM)

  • Use Techniques: Student demonstrates an ability to use the modern techniques necessary in the practice of Information Engineering and Management discipline. Technique is defined as a body of computational methods (as in a craft or in scientific research).
  • Formulate Problems: Student demonstrates an ability to formulate problems as necessary for developing decision support systems.
  • Demonstrate Knowledge: Student demonstrates knowledge of current standards in information system architecture. 
  • Explain Concepts: Student can explain major concepts in broader functional areas of high-tech enterprise.

M.S. in Engineering Entrepreneurship (MSEN)

  • An ability to assess the commercial import of new technology.
  • An ability to impact the commercial import of new technology.
  • An ability to develop processes and procedures for bringing a high technology product to market.
  • An ability to lead and manage engineering projects that commercialize new technology.
  • èßäÊÓƵapp will be able to write a business plan for an entrepreneurial venture.

Ph.D. in Operations Research (PhD OR)

  • Student demonstrates expert knowledge of the literature in a sub area of Operations Research.
  • Student demonstrates the ability to clearly explain and document his/her research in the discipline of Operations Research.
  • Student demonstrates the ability to identify research directions independently in the discipline of Operations Research.
  • Student obtains results publishable in peer-reviewed journals or conferences in the discipline of Operations Research.

D.E. in Engineering Management (DEEM) 

  • Student demonstrates expert knowledge of the literature in a sub area of Operations Research or Engineering Management.
  • Student demonstrates the ability to clearly explain and document his/her research in the discipline of Engineering Management.
  • Student demonstrates the ability to identify research directions independently in the discipline of Engineering Management.
  • Student demonstrates the potential economic impact of his/her praxis in the discipline of Engineering Management.