Scott Douglas, Ph.D.

Dr Scott Douglas

Scott C. Douglas, Ph.D.

Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies and Outreach
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Office Location: Junkins 305

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  • Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Stanford, 1992
  • M.S. Electrical Engineering, Stanford, 1989
  • B.S. Electrical Engineering, Stanford, 1988


Scott Douglas is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies and Outreach for the Department of ECE. His research interests include audio, wireless and acoustic array processing, blind source separation, machine learning, remote sensing, and speech enhancement. Dr. Douglas has over 200 publications in refereed journals and conference proceedings on these and related topics. He is also the co-author of two textbooks and the co-inventor of two patents (one pending).

Dr. Douglas current research efforts focus on advanced processing and assessments methods for remote sensing of vehicular emissions in joint work with the Environmental Protection Agency. He is an active consultant and technical expert for various industries. He was the co-designer of the Infinity Project, a joint effort between universities, pre-college schools, and industry to bring and deliver engineering education to middle- and high-school students.

Honors and Awards

  • National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 1995
  • IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award, Audio and Electroacoustics, 2003
  • Gerald J. Ford Research Fellowship, 2003
  • General Chair, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Dallas, Texas, 2010


  • Audio, Array Processing, Machine Learning, Remote Sensing, Speech Enhancement

Recent Publications

  • C.R. Fulper, T.H. DeFries, and S.C. Douglas, "," patent application, Pub. No. US 2023/0101265 A1, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Mar. 30, 2023
  • S.C Douglas and T.H. DeFries, "," Proc. 55th Annual Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, pp. 1329-1333, November 2021.
  • S.C. Douglas and Y. Hong, "," Proc. 53rd Annual Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, pp. 2101-2105, November 2019.
  • T. Variddhisai, M. Xiang, S.C. Douglas, and D.P. Mandic, "," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust.,Speech, Signal Processing, Brighton, UK, pp. 4868-4872, May 2019.
  • S.C. Douglas and E.C. Larson, "," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Brighton, UK, pp. 7755-7759, May 2019.

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