Thomas Kimbrough
Clinical Professor of Legal Research and Associate Director for Collection Development
Full-time faculty
Phone |
214-768-3978 |
Prior to joining Southern Methodist University, Professor Kimbrough was a senior associate in the Mergers & Acquisitions and Korea practice groups at the Hong Kong office of Baker & McKenzie and an associate in the Corporate Finance, China, and Korea practice groups at the Beijing office of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. He teaches International & Foreign Legal Research.
B.S.F.S., cum laude, Georgetown University
M.L.I.S., University of Washington
J.D., University of California at Berkeley
International & Foreign Legal Research
Law Firm Dynamics: Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game, 75 èßäÊÓƵapp Law Review Forum 241 (2022)
In-Class Online Legal Research Exercises: A Valuable Educational Tool, 16 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research & Writing at 112 (2008)
Building a Chinese Law Collection in the Academic Law Library, 25(4) Legal Reference Services Quarterly at 37 (2006)
Regulation S Safe Harbors for Offshore Offers, Sales and Resales, Insights: Corporate & Securities Law Advisor 3 (1990) (with co-author)
US-Quellensteuerpflicht fur Gewinnanteile an Personengesellschaften [U.S. Withholding Tax on Remittances to Foreign Partnerships], Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft [Law of International Economics and Business] at 42 (1990) (F.R.G.) (with co-author)