Required Courses
NexPoint Tower Scholars are required to enroll in the 15 credit-hour minor in Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA).
Principles of Public Policy (PLSC 3320) OR International Political Economy (PLSC 3389)
Offered through political science and is open to all students
Subject to course offering, ideally taken fall of second year or spring of first year
Gateway to Global Policymaking (PPIA 2380)
Study the interaction of policy problems, policy tools, and organizational structures at the local, national, and international levels-
Normally taken spring semester of second year
Junior Year Policy Seminar I: Theoretical Public Policy (PPIA 3301)
èßäÊÓƵapp develop critical skills in policy analysis, writing and presentation-
Normally taken fall semester of third year
Junior Year Policy Seminar II: Public Policy in Professional Practice (PPIA 3302)
èßäÊÓƵapp are tasked with a real-world policy problem, work on solving that problem, and finally present a final report to a nonacademic client.
Directed Practicum (PPIA 4306)
èßäÊÓƵapp are placed with a Dallas-based client to gain policy practice through a directed practicum. èßäÊÓƵapp will complete useful policy work and present to clients at the end of the semester, building on the client experience gained in the junior-year policy seminar.
Organizations that students have been placed with include:
City of Dallas
George W. Bush Institute
Hunt Mexico
Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
Texas 2036
Texas Central Partners
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Examples of policy projects include:
Evaluating the success of a current policy initiative and determining policy recommendations moving forward.
Evaluating the implementation of a new initiative – What are the local/state challenges and policies that come into play? How do you educate the community? Who is (or needs to be) involved in the process?
Evaluating a national/local policy and its implications for the company/organization.
Determining the feasibility of a private-public partnership for a new initiative and identifying relevant actors at the local, state, and federal levels.
èßäÊÓƵapp must also plan to take before their third year at èßäÊÓƵapp the required economics co-requisite course:
One Economics Pre-requisite (or Co-requisite)
ECO 1311 or ECO 1312; or,
AP Macroeconomics: 4 or better; or,
AP Microeconomics: 4 or better.
To apply, go HERE.
If you have any questions, please contact us at towerscholars@smu.edu.