
Current Math GSA representative:
Mahnprit Jutley, Clements 222

Application for Funding from the Dedman College Graduate Student Assembly

You are encouraged to apply to the GSA for funds to aid you in your research expenses. To ensure that you meet all deadlines and receive the support in a timely manner, you should talk with your GSA representative as soon as you begin planning your travel. Your representative can advise you on how to apply for support and what other avenues are available. Before applying to the GSA, however, it is recommended that you ask the Math Department if they have any funds available. You can also go to the Dean of Graduate Research after applying to the Academic Department and the GSA.

You may apply to the GSA as many times as you wish but there is a $400 per semester limit you may receive from the GSA.  Please note below the amount you may request depending on your purpose.  For more detailed explanations, see the by-laws or ask your department representative to the GSA.

Category I ($400): thesis and dissertation related expenditures
Category II ($150): convention expenses not covered in Category I
Category III ($50 per student/per semester): Photocopying
Category IV ($60): Fee for one-year membership
Category V ($100): Speaker related expenses
Category VI ($100): Miscellaneous awards

The GSA By-Laws (PDF)
The following forms are required to submit a request to the GSA. Turn in the completed forms to your GSA representative. If you would like to request funds before the actual event, fill out only the application form. You will turn in the expense report after the event with the appropriate receipts. If you are requesting funds after the event has taken place, fill out both the application form and the expense report and include all appropriate receipts.

Application Form (PDF)
Expense Report (PDF)
Attach all original receipts to the completed forms.

For the GSA representative:

Agreement form (DOC, PDF)

LaTeX Templates

Beamer Poster Template
LaTeX/Beamer example poster.

This template was created by Tom Carr to share among the graduate students. For questions concerning this template, contact Prof. Carr or Prof. Reynolds.

Poster Template
LaTeX example poster.

This template was created by Kurt Stein to share among the graduate students. He has included some comments within the latex file itself containing instructions on how to build the poster from within linux. For questions concerning this process, contact Kurt Stein or Prof. Reynolds.

Thesis Template
LaTeX style file (and examples) for dissertations.
Sample output

This has been tuned for compilation on coe. Use the included Makefile, and print the resulting dvi file from the xdvi program. For questions concerning this process, contact Prof. Reynolds