Christopher Stampone
Graduation Year: 2017
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Ph.D., Southern Methodist University (2017)M.A., Brock University (2008)
B.A., SUNY Buffalo State College(2007)
18th and 19th transatlantic and transnational literature, early American literature, genre studies
Dissertation Title
"Transatlantic Imaginings: Modes of Romance and Visions of Culture, 1760-1865."
“Seeing Through ‘the Veil’ Darkly: Wordsworthian ideals and forms in W.E.B. Du Bois’s The Souls of Black Folk.” Journal of Transatlantic Studies. Forthcoming 2022.
“Are We Reading the Right Clotel(le)? Revolutions in Early African American Literature. Studies in American Fiction 45.2 (Fall 2018): 191-211.