2018 Presenters
We had a great line up of speakers and poster presentations for the 2018 èßäÊÓƵapp Power Plays conference.
Download the conference agenda.
Thursday January 11th 8:00 am to 5:30 pm
Panel - Coal and Geothermal Workshop Review
Susan Petty
Bob Pilko
Brian Anderson
William Shaw
Panel - Geothermal Storage Applications Panel
Josh McTigue
Eastman Chemical Gas Plant East Texas Deep Direct Use Project
George Nitschke
Converting Geopressured-Geothermal Reservoir Brine into Renewable Energy
Reduce Carbon Emissions Through Solar - Geothermal Storage
Oral Presentations
Minsu Cha and Yunxing Lu
Thermal Fracturing Behavior in Well Stimulations of Enhanced Geothermal Systems
Concept for a Distributed Baseload Electrical Power System in the Williston Basin
Distributed Low-Temperature Geothermal Power from Oil and Gas Wells
Assessment of Geothermal Co-production from Oil and Gas Wells in Pakistan
Hydrocarbon-geothermal Co-production Challenges in Eastern Europe: Pilot Projects for Heat and Electricity in Serbia (GOSPEL Project)
1 and 2 st1 Deep Heat, Espoo, Finland
Engineered Geothermal at Otaniemi and Basel: “End”-Members in Drilling and Induced Seismicity?
1 , 2 Hi-Q Geophysical, Inc. and 3 Consulting Geologist
A Novel Approach to Automated, In-field Seismic Exploration and Monitoring Via Seismic Interferometry with Ambient Noise
Purchasing Oil and Gas Assets in Bankruptcy
John Sisler
Real-Time Sensors for Multi-Phase Measurement of Pipe Flows in Steam and Gathering Lines
Richard Wynn
Lessons Learned Converting Gas Wells to Geothermal Energy
Posters & Reception
Wednesday January 10th 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Brian Anderson
Feasibility of Deep Direct Use Geothermal on the WVU Campus-Morgantown, WV
Joe Batir
East Texas Reservoir Study for Deep Direct Use
Burke Brunson
Geophysical Analysis of the Paleogeothermal Gradient And Heat Flow in the Williston Basin, ND
Mark Ingram
Basin Analysis and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Bali Basin, Indonesia, with Expanded Geothermal Heat Flow Map of Sundaland
Geothermal Energy in India: Past, Present and Future Scenarios
Hydrocarbon-geothermal Co-production Challenges in Eastern Europe: Geothermal Pilot Projects for Heat and Electricity in Serbia (GOSPEL Project)
Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Lithium from Geothermal Waters using Strategically Engineered Crown Ether Extractants
Geothermal Heat Flow in Northern Indonesia
1 and 2 Upstream Research & Technology, PT Pertamina (Persero), Indonesia
Thermal Characteristics in Initial Conditions (Natural State), Geothermal Field at South Sumatra – Indonesia
Pipeline Sensors Laboratory and Field Results
Switchable Polarity Solvent Forward Osmosis (SPS FO): Technology Development Status and Economic Potential for Produced Water Treatment
Sherilyn Williams-Stroud and Graham Yielding
and Badley Geoscience
Induced Seismicity Related to Fault Structures
H. I. Yoon
Drilling Techniques and Equipment to Reach Depths Below 6 km.