Distinction Program

This program is open to junior and senior anthropology majors with outstanding academic records. Graduation with departmental distinction is designated on the diploma of those who successfully complete the program. To earn departmental distinction, a student must:

1. Complete the usual coursework for a B.A. or B.S. degree with at least a 3.50 GPA in anthropology and with at least a 3.00 GPA overall;

2. With a grade of B or higher, pass ANTH 5334 and ANTH 5335. One of these courses may be replaced by completing a substantial independent reading program for three term-hours on the history, conceptual foundations, or methodological problems of the discipline. This substitution, however, must be approved in advance by the instructor of ANTH 5334 or ANTH 5335;

3. With a grade of A or A-, conduct a research project (for three term-hours credit in ANTH 4391 or 4392); and complete a significant research paper that is a minimum of 20 pages of text, includes a bibliography, and is written in appropriate sub-disciplinary professional style and format - this project must be supervised by a full-time, tenure-track department faculty member; and

4. Finally, pass an oral examination of one hour in length (with a committee of at least three full-time departmental faculty members), covering the results of the research project and general issues and concepts in anthropology according to the sub field specialty. The oral examination must be scheduled to take place before the last day of instruction in the semester in which the project is completed.

Eligible students will be admitted to the distinction track upon recommendation of the Director of Undergraduate Studies in consultation with the faculty member who has agreed to chair the distinction committee and oversee the student's research and writing. èßäÊÓƵapp must complete the application for distinction and submit it to the Department by the end of the first week of the semester in which the student begins the distinction project.

The faculty advisor must approve the paper to be presented to the orals committee and copies of the paper must be delivered to members of the committee at least two weeks in advance of the scheduled oral examination date. A copy of the final paper must be filed with the Administrative Assistant in the Department of Anthropology.