Historically, the top destinations for students have been the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Australia, and Denmark. èßäÊÓƵapp Abroad offers program options in all regions of the world from Latin America to Africa and the Middle East, to East and Southeast Asia. Due to COVID-19, location options a more limited than in the past. Open an to be the first to know when other program options become available.
Matriculated students may apply to study abroad after completing one full semester of study (Fall or Spring term) at èßäÊÓƵapp. èßäÊÓƵapp who matriculate as transfer students must complete one full semester of study at èßäÊÓƵapp in order to be eligible to apply for study abroad. Options include January, May, Summer, and the full Fall or Spring semesters. èßäÊÓƵapp whose first semester is the Fall term may study abroad as early as the following Summer. èßäÊÓƵapp whose first semester is the Spring term may study abroad as early as the following January.
èßäÊÓƵapp are strongly discouraged from and advised against studying abroad during their final full semester of study at èßäÊÓƵapp. Doing so may affect graduation/degree conferral plans and related plans thereafter. There may be delays in the processing of abroad courses, including:
The abroad transcript being sent to èßäÊÓƵapp (may take up to four months)
Holds with partner providers/institutions abroad that may delay the transcript being released to èßäÊÓƵapp
Disputes or appeals about the grade(s) for any abroad courses
Credit matching to èßäÊÓƵapp courses if the courses taken are not pre-approved
The Registrar Office inputting the courses and grades on my.èßäÊÓƵapp
These delays are likely to result in the postponing of graduation. This means that students may not be able to walk with classmates at graduation, confer, or receive my diploma until a later date.
All Programs:
èßäÊÓƵapp Abroad reviews all applications for completion and accuracy, but admission decisions are made by èßäÊÓƵapp Faculty. Acceptance letters are sent via the application portal.
January, May & Summer:
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis by a Program Director or a Faculty Liaison. Response time varies, but students are encouraged to submit applications well in advance of the deadline.
Certain hybrid programs have additional provider admission requirements. See program for details or ask your èßäÊÓƵapp Abroad Advisor.
Applications are reviewed by the Semester Application Review Subcommittee immediately following the Early Decision and Regular Decision deadlines. èßäÊÓƵapp are encouraged to submit applications well in advance of one of these deadlines.
May & Summer Programs
May/Summer program webpages list all course offerings with pre-requisites and any other eligibility requirements on the “Academics” tab. Please work with your program director if you have questions on course pre-requisites and eligibility for a specific course
Semester Programs
Semester programs offer a variety of course options. To see approved courses visit the Course Search on our website. You can read more about the course approval process on that page. Keep in mind your program may offer more courses than what is listed there. If you are interested in one of those courses, contact your èßäÊÓƵapp Abroad Advisor.
èßäÊÓƵapp can simultaneously apply for more than one program in different terms. For programs in the same term, students cannot open an additional application on their own and students are not permitted to have a back-up application. You may apply to more than one May/Summer program only if program dates do not overlap, and you truly intend to participate in both. Please email abroad@smu.edu if you are interested in applying to more than one May/Summer program.
All Programs:
All tuition is paid directly to èßäÊÓƵapp through the Bursar.
January, May & Summer:
Fees vary based on program and are paid in the student's application. Exact amounts and amenities included can be found on the Cost & Aid page.
General student fees are paid directly to èßäÊÓƵapp through the Bursar. Additional program fees (housing, deposit, etc.) are paid directly to the provider.
Visa requirements depend on program location, program duration, and student’s citizenship. Please refer to the consulate website of the host country for your abroad program. For example, if you are participating in IAU Barcelona, check the Spain consulate website for specific visa requirements.
Our office is not typically involved in the visa process. Accepted applicants will receive visa details and requirements when it is time to apply for the visa. Only a few January/May/Summer programs require a visa of U.S. citizens. Most semester programs require a visa of U.S. citizens. The program provider is a resource in the visa application process and will provide instructions for your specific program's visa requirements. International students may have additional visa requirements. It is your responsibility to research your visa requirements and apply for one if needed.
International travel before your program start date may negatively impact your ability to apply for and receive a visa for your program. Depending on program location, visa processing times can take at least eight weeks. It is your responsibility to plan accordingly, and ensure that you have ample time to secure any visa for your program if needed.
Electronic transcripts should be sent to abroad@smu.edu. Physical transcripts should be sent to:
èßäÊÓƵapp Abroad
PO Box 750391
Dallas TX 75275-0391
Yes, grades earned abroad will be posted to the student's èßäÊÓƵapp transcript and will be calculated into the student’s cumulative and èßäÊÓƵapp GPA. Academic credit earned abroad counts as credit earned in residence.
Courses taken on èßäÊÓƵapp Abroad fall and spring term programs may not be taken on a no-credit or pass/fail basis. The only exception to this policy is for courses designated by èßäÊÓƵapp’s academic departments with no credit or pass/fail as their only grading basis option. èßäÊÓƵapp who study abroad on èßäÊÓƵapp Abroad fall and spring term programs are enrolled in a èßäÊÓƵapp placeholder course to denote full-time enrollment. This placeholder course (designated with a Z) is taken on a credit/no-credit basis. èßäÊÓƵapp Abroad must receive their transcript from the study abroad program showing successful completion of credit hours to award a grade of CR in the ZPRV course.
Courses taken on èßäÊÓƵapp Abroad summer programs and during Jan Term (January) may not be taken for a grade of NC (No Credit), but students may petition for one of these courses to be graded on a pass/fail basis. èßäÊÓƵapp must petition approval for the pass/fail option from the program director and the faculty member teaching the course. The deadline to complete the Undergraduate Pass/Fail Option Declaration form to petition for a course taken on an èßäÊÓƵapp Abroad summer program is the payment deadline for the program; for Jan Term classes, the deadline is no later than the second day of classes for Jan Term. Forms are available in the schools’ records offices.