Course Descriptions
Simmons MS Sport Management Course Descriptions
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Total Credit Hours From Simmons: 26
COX Business and Management Course Descriptions (credit hours)
ACCT 6201 - Financial Accounting I (2) This course introduces students to the fundamentals of preparing and understanding financial statements targeted to external users.
MAST 6478 - Data Analytics (4) Develops a fundamental understanding of data and its applications to business. Focuses on solving problems, including recognizing which statistical methodology to use and applying the methodology. èßäÊÓƵapp become comfortable with statistical methods for analyzing data and learn how to use statistics to help make better business decisions. These goals are achieved by discussing/solving problems in class and by working similar problems for homework. Many of the courses students take during the MBA program use and build on the statistical techniques covered in this class.
MNO 6201 - Organizational Behavior: Managing and Leading People (2) Strengthens the skills students need to become effective leaders. Topics include transitioning successfully from individual contributor to effective leader, motivating others for peak performance, identifying traps that prevent effective decision-making, acquiring skills to manage conflict, identifying strategies for becoming a person of influence, and navigating through dilemmas associated with performance management.
MNGT 6103 - Business Presentation Techniques (1) Today’s competitive marketplace demands that managers be successful on both a technical and an individual level, exhibiting a high degree of leadership skills. Full-time M.B.A. students gain proficiency in the oral presentation techniques needed to enhance academic and career success. Graded pass/fail.
FINA 6201 - Managerial Finance (2) An analysis of the basic problems in corporate financial management. The course is organized around the theme of asset valuation. Topics covered include stock and bond valuation, capital budgeting, cost of capital, market efficiency, and company valuation.
Total Credit Hours From COX: 11
Total Program Hours: 37