Recruiting at Lyle

The Hart Center provides multiple opportunities for employers to meet and work with our engineering and computer science students. We have several standard events that are hosted every semester and are described below. Based on your vision for recruiting students, we can also partner to create a tailored event for your company. The Hart Center is excited to engage with recruiters and employers to provide our students with internship and job opportunities, as well as providing them with professional development experiences.


Reoccurring Semester Events

Engineering Connections Career Fair

Every September and February, the Hart Center hosts the engineering only career fair that is open to both undergraduate and graduate students. Typically over 400 students attend each semester, looking for internships and job opportunities.

Employer Grab & Go's/Drop-In Hours

Employers can work with the Hart Center to schedule a èßäÊÓƵapp visit for a specific date and time. Employers can host an information table or reserve a space to talk with students about work life at their company, collect resumes and start making connects with budding engineering talent. Employer’s visits are highlighted through emails and social media to inform students to drop by. 

Employer Information Sessions

Employers are able to reserve a space to host a presentation for students about current career opportunities and work experiences at their company. Most companies bring alumni, if possible, to speak to students about their experience as new hire and alumni.

Employer Email Blasts

Employers can advertise employment opportunities without hosting an event and can target specific student populations through the Hart Center. Employment opportunities are forwarded to targeted students based on employer preferences, such as majors, academic GPA, college classification, etc. The Hart Center then collects resumes from interested students and sends the packet to the company.

Career Prep Events

Employers are invited to participate in career prep events that are designed to help students improve their resume building, interview and job searching skills. These professional development opportunities are integral to helping students understand what employers and industry expect from an engineering or computer science hires. Career prep events include but are not limited to:

Engineering Resumania

Employers meet with Lyle students one-on-one for 10-15 minutes to offer feedback and suggestions on students' resumes. Engineering Resumania kicks off the recruitment season each semester with typically over 100 engineering students attending. Employer volunteers always needed!

    Engineering Mock Interview Day

Lyle students have the opportunity to sign up for 45 minute behavioral interviews with an engineering or Human Resource professional. The goal is to create a risk free environment where students can practice interviewing and gain constructive feedback before they begin interviewing with prospective employers. Event is open to sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students. Employer volunteers always needed!

Custom Events/Site Visits

Partnering with the Hart Center we can create and entirely custom recruiting event that can even include a site visit! The sky is the limit.


  • A headshot of Linda Parker, a member of the Lyle School of Engineering Faculty.

    Want more information?

    For further information or questions about your company getting involved with Lyle, contact:


    Linda Parker

    Director of Career
